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halil mert solak



Post-doctoral Researcher

2024 - Continues

Zoology Dept, Science Faculty, Charles University, Prague.

PI: Jakub Kreisinger


PhD Candidate

2020 - 2024

Biology Dept, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University.

Supervisor(s): Alexey Yanchukov & Jakub Kreisinger

Thesis: The Effect of Altitude on Gut Microbiome Composition Accounting for Diet and Host Genetics: A Study on Anatolian Blind Molerats (Nannospalax xanthodon) in Central Taurus Mountains. January 2024.

Master's Degree

2017 - 2019

Bachelor's Degree

2012 - 2017

Biology (English) Department of Bolu Abant Ä°zzet Baysal University


Awards and Experience

ERC Research Exchange Visit

24.04.2023 - 08.05.2023

Wild Animal Microbiome Evolution – WAME

A Special Topic Network funded by ESEB

Host Supervisor: Jakub Kreisinger

EMBO Scientific 
Exchange Grant

07.06.2022 - 07.09.2022

Laboratory of Evolutionary Interactions of Holobionts, Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Project Title: "Variation in the composition of gut microbiota of Anatolian Blind Mole Rat (Nannospalax xanthodon) across the altitude gradient".

Host Supervisor: Dagmar ÄŒížková

Best Student Publication

Best Student Publication by the EkoEvo student awards, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Society of Turkey.

August 2020

Erasmus Internship

04.09.2018 – 04.11.2018

Animal Behaviour Department of Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany

Host Supervisor: Jamie Winternitz



Solak HM, Sezgin E, Cizkova D, Kreisinger J, Çolak F, ÇetintaÅŸ O, and Yanchukov A. (2023). The Microbiota of Long-Living and Cancer-Free Blind Mole Rat (Nannospalax xanthodon) from the Edge of its Distribution in Northern Anatolia. Submitted to Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology.

Uludüz N, Yanchukov A, Solak HM, and Sözen M. (2023). Cetacean Stranding Events at Zonguldak, Southwestern Black Sea Coast of Türkiye. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 75(1):123-131.

Solak, H.M., Yanchukov, A., Çolak, F., Matur, F., Sözen, M. Ayanoğlu, C. and Winternitz, J. C. (2020). Altitudinal Effects on Innate Immune Response of a Subterranean Rodent. Zoological Science. 37(1) : 1-11.

Doi: 10.2108/zs190067

Posters and Presentations

Oral Presentation
Solak H.M., Kreisinger J., ÄŒížková D., Sezgin E., Schmiedová L., Murtskhvaladze M., Çolak F., Matur F., Yanchukov A.: Altitude shapes gut microbiome composition accounting for diet and host genetics in a subterranean mole rats. Zoologıcké Dny 8-9 February 2024, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Oral Presentation
Solak M.H. Sezgin E., ÄŒížková D., Kreisinger J., Çolak F., Matur F., Yanchukov A. Altitudinal Effect on Gut Microbiome Composition of Long-Living and Cancer-Free Blind Mole Rat (Nannospalax xanthodon). 8th Ecology And Evolutionary Biology Symposium. 17-19 July 2023. Ankara, Türkiye.

Oral Presentation

Solak, H.M. Winternitz, J. C., Yanchukov, A., Ayanoğlu, C., Çolak, F., Matur, F., and Sözen, M. Altitudinal effects on ecoimmunology of Turkish blind mole-rats. Subterranean Rodent Workshop, VII. EGSM. 01.10.2018, Budapest, Hungary.

Poster Presentation
Solak M.H. Sezgin E., ÄŒížková D., Kreisinger J., Çolak F., Matur F., Yanchukov A. Altitudinal Effect on Gut Microbiome Composition of Anatolian Blind Mole Rat (Nannospalax xanthodon). 7th Ecology And Evolutionary Biology Symposium. 7-9 September 2022. Ankara, Türkiye.

Poster Presentation
Solak M.H. Sezgin E., ÄŒížková D., Kreisinger J., Çolak F., Matur F., Yanchukov A. Altitudinal Effect on Gut Microbiome Composition of Anatolian Blind Mole Rat (Nannospalax xanthodon). ESEB2022. 14 August 2022. Prague, Czechia.

Poster Presentation
Solak, H.M., Yanchukov, A., Çolak, F., Matur, F., Sözen, M. AyanoÄŸlu, C. and Winternitz, J. C. Altitudinal effects on innate immune response and local population genetic structure of Anatolian blind mole-rats (Nannospalax xanthodon), Zoologıcké Dny 6-7 February 2020, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Poster Presentation
Solak, H.M., Yanchukov, A., Çolak, F., Matur, F., Sözen, M. AyanoÄŸlu, C. and Winternitz, J. C. Altitudinal effects on innate immune response of Turkish blind mole-rats (Nannospalax xanthodon), 6th Ecology And Evolutionary Biology Symposium. 10.07.2019, Izmir, Türkiye.

Poster Presentation
Solak M.H. Winternitz JC., Çolak F., Matur F., Yanchukov A. Altitudinal effects on evolution of globin gene clusters and host adaptation on Nannospalax xanthodon (Turkish Blind Mole Rat). 5th Ecology And Evolutionary Biology Symposium. 21.07.2018, Izmir, Türkiye.


©2021 by Halil Mert SOLAK.

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